What should be avoided when designing health care product brochures?

When designing health product brochures, you need to avoid the following aspects:
1. False propaganda: Brochures should avoid exaggerating product efficacy or effects, use false medical or scientific terms, and should not promote false clinical trial results. Promotional content should be true and objective to ensure consumers have a correct understanding of the product.
2. Publicity that violates laws and regulations: Brochures should abide by relevant laws and regulations, and must not carry out publicity that violates laws and regulations, such as the promotion of unapproved medical and health care products, promotion of prohibited ingredients, etc. Promotional content should comply with relevant laws and regulations to avoid legal risks.
3. Misleading propaganda: Brochures should avoid using misleading pictures, text or data to avoid giving consumers incorrect perceptions. Promotional content should accurately convey product functions, uses, applicable groups and other information to avoid misleading consumers.
4. Improper comparisons: Brochures should avoid inappropriate comparisons with other products, and should not disparage other products or make false comparisons. Promotional content should focus on the uniqueness and benefits of the product rather than comparison with other products.
5. Restricted publicity of medical and health care products: Brochures should comply with the special publicity requirements for medical and health care products, and must not carry out excessive publicity or promise excessive efficacy or effects. Promotional content should be consistent with the actual situation of medical and health products to avoid misleading consumers.
In short, when designing health care product brochures, it is necessary to comply with relevant laws and regulations, accurately convey product information, and avoid problems such as false propaganda, misleading consumers, and improper comparisons to ensure the authenticity, legality, and credibility of the promotional content.

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